Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Grand Rapids 1-8-09

These are my most recent shots of Grand Rapids. I woke up very early and stood outside in the bitter cold for some sunrise pictures. These are taken from my favorite spot on the Western Pedestrian Bridge. The Grand River was really high when these were taken. The effect in the water was made by chunks of ice floating down and a slow shutter speed.

All of these pictures were made using HDR. HDR stands for high dynamic range. I took several different shots of the same scene, some underexposed, some overexposed. And they were all put together in an image editor. So each image was made from several different shots.

I will start with my favorite from the shoot.
grand rapids
(Grand Rapids)

I really like the way this one turned out also. There was a lot of color happening. I showed this one to a buddy and his reaction was something to the extent of "No way, that's not real, no camera could make a picture with those colors". But my D90 did. :)
grand rapids
(Grand Rapids)

I don't like this one as much as the other two but it's still a decent picture I think.
grand rapids
(Grand Rapids)

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